Solo show  " When Light Merges with Art" ,

Miami Dade College  . West Campus 

The Exhibition starts with an emblematic Artwork that introduces viewers to the scientific conceptions and technique knowledge of Artist Cari Cohen. In the innovative artworks in the exhibition, there is a new understanding for the artistic shapes positioned into the space. As visual artist Cohen is also an architect and designer, she cleverly manages colors, geometry and organic shapes in dynamic perspectives, created by light and its reflection on space, in her displayed artworks. Inspired by architectural masters Zaha Hadid and Frank Gehry, Cari transforms Art in a new language that shares lines with curves to insert the organic into the angular square, breaking the rational towards the new and fantastic. Now, in her Series Art + Light on Organic evolving, she reaches a new space dimension. She has created a novel visual intensity that reaches a depiction where geometry evolves merging with the organic, creating a new reference in the volume of the piece and its visual treatment.

Get a glimpse of the exhibition at Miami Dade College West Campus April - December , 2021